

admin 2017年2月28日
Rating: 3.2/5. 来自5票.
  1. 你如何在你的网站上上传我的产品?

    You can add archives containing all necessary files in the vendor的概要文件.

  2. 我在哪里可以找到主题要求?

    You can find all guidelines regarding the themes’ design and technical details here: 产品档案结构要求.

  3. 什么主题的话题是最可取的?

    我们欢迎您寄给我们的所有类型的产品. We also email a list of preferred topics upon a request from your profile page. 你可以订阅我们的 通讯 to keep updated on our news and the most popular 产品 in the 市场.

  4. 我怎样才能寄给你签名的 vendor 协议?

    你可以扫描它或拍下你签名的照片 vendor 同意并通过电子邮件发送至 市场@hwanfei.com. 下载协议 here.

  5. 在主题进入网站之前,您如何检查主题?

    The theme verification process includes the following stages:

    • Marketing review (checking product relevance within a market);
    • 设计评审(设计验证);
    • 版权审查(基本验证 vendor’s rights to use a product for commercial purposes; checking a product’s uniqueness);
    • QA审核(验证产品的正确运行);
    • 代码审核(代码验证);
    • Ready for upload (a product is ready to be uploaded on the site);
    • 正在上传;
    • 上传.

    如果你的产品不符合市场需求, then you will receive suggestions on its further adaptation or a rejection from selling your product on the 市场 without the right of follow-up 修订.

  6. 我将如何收到主题上传通知?

    如果您的主题没有通过任何验证阶段, you will be notified about this via email with recommendations on its follow-up 修订. You will also be notified when your theme is going to be released on the site.

  7. How long does it take to upload a theme to your site after it’s verified and approved?

    On average, it takes from 2 business days to 2 business weeks for a theme to be uploaded.

  8. What’s the difference between exclusive and non-exclusive 产品?

    独家主题仅在我们的市场上出售. Non-exclusive 产品 can be distributed on both our site and other resources.

  9. May I sell exclusive and non-exclusive themes at the same time?


  10. 如果我违反了排他性规则怎么办?

    根据协议, 如果你违反了排他性规则, you will need to delete the theme from all sites except for Templateog体育首页.com. Otherwise we will change your theme status for “non-exclusive”, 再重新计算一下销售额.

  11. 我能得到多少佣金啊? 这取决于销售量吗?

    Vendors of non-exclusive 产品 receive 40% from the themes’ cost. The commission that vendors of exclusive themes will receive depends on the sales volume:

    • $0+ — 50%
    • $1 000+ — 53%
    • $2 000+ — 55%
    • $4 000+ — 57%
    • $8 000+ — 58%
    • $16 000+ — 60%
    • $32 000+ — 62%
    • $64 000+ — 64%
    • $75 000+ — 65%
    • $100 000+ — 70%
  12. 主题价格是如何制定的? 我可以影响主题的定价吗?

    The cost of your template is created after the product has passed all verification stages. It depends on the quality of the theme and the provided services. A vendor 报价最多可以调整15%吗.

  13. Can I change a theme price after it’s uploaded on your site?

    Yes, you can submit a request upon changing the theme’s cost via email 市场@hwanfei.com. 稍后,该选项将在 vendor的概要文件.

  14. Will your promo campaigns and 折扣s be applicable to my themes?

    如果您愿意,您的主题可以参加我们的促销活动. In order to make your themes also participate in promo campaigns, please tick “I want my themes to participate in Templateog体育首页’s promos” during registration. If you do not tick this field, all of your themes will be available for purchase without 折扣s. In order to start/stop participating in promos, please email us at 市场@hwanfei.com

  15. How can I measure my income in case a theme participates in a promo or was sold at a 折扣?

    Your income will be measured with respect to the promo/折扣ed cost.

  16. 我的付款频率和方式?

    You will receive payments from 25th to 30th of each month via PayPalSkrill, payner, Wire. You will receive a payment if you have at least $100 on your account. 现金转帐费用由收款人支付.

  17. 我在哪里可以查看我的主题销售统计数据?

    We are currently working to make this option available in your profile.

  18. 我们的客户会得到你们的售前支持吗?

    Yes, your clients can get the relevant support from the Sales department via chat.

  19. Will the Sales department recommend my themes alongside other 产品?

    Yes, the Sales department will recommend your themes together with other items from the 市场.

  20. Can I provide any kind of additional services with a theme?


  21. What licenses will a client receive upon purchasing a theme?

    A client will be provided with a choice of 4 types of licenses:

    • 单站点许可. 它允许客户端对一个主题使用一个主题 website. 如果客户想在几个网站上使用一个主题, 他将需要再次购买相同的主题.

    • DEVELOPER许可证. It allows a client to install one theme on up to 5 different websites or up to 5 different projects.

    • 收购许可证. This license guarantees that a template will no longer be available for purchase in Templateog体育首页’s catalogue or to other users. A client cannot redistribute/resell the theme after purchasing a Buyout License.

    • GPL许可证. 购买模板后, 允许客户端进行复制, modify and redistribute (including commercial purposes) the product. A client should also guarantee that the owners of all subsidiary 产品 will be granted the aforementioned rights.

  22. What’s the procedure to get a refund for an acquired theme?

    当客户要求退款时,他的请求将转到 票系统,在那里它应该由 vendor 在最短的时间内. If a vendor does not manage to settle an issue and reach an 协议 with a client, 请求将提交给客户服务经理进行最终处理 决议. 如果客户得到退款,那么 vendor will pay back the commission that he received for the theme.

  23. 我可以推广没有在你的网站上列出的产品吗?

    严禁推销竞争对手的产品, so you cannot offer your clients those 产品 that are not provided on the 市场.

这个条目被张贴了出来 市场 和标记 市场, rules, vendor. 书签的 永久链接.


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