

Joomla 3.x. Joomla 3.0.x 模板 and Joomla 3.1.x兼容性 (Tags issue)

诺曼·费雪 2014年1月21日
等级: 5.0/5. 来自2票.

This tutorial is going to help you 修复 the problem of missing tags related to Joomla! 3.0.x 模板 and Joomla! 3.1.x兼容性.

Joomla 3.x. Joomla 3.0.x 模板 and Joomla 3.1.x兼容性 (Tags issue)

如果你的 template is for Joomla! 3.0.x and was installed using Joomla!3.1.x, sometimes such errors may occur:


And  if you log into the admin panel, there  will be no “tags” 菜单下的 ”组件.”

In order to enable the tags:

  1. 登录你的Joomla! admin panel and go to the top menu System -> Global Configuration.
  2. 单击 服务器 选项卡 检查你的 数据库 前缀.


  3. If it is not default (jos_), in the code below replace jos_ everywhere with your 数据库 前缀.


  4.  如果你的 数据库 前缀 is jos_ , leave it as is:

    INSERT INTO `jos_assets` (`id`, “parent_id”, “融通”, “rgt”, “水平”, “名字”, “标题”, ' rules ') VALUES (999, 1, 997, 998, 1, “com_tags”, “com_tags”, {”核心.admin”:{“8”:1},“核心.manage":{"7":1},"core.create":{"6":1,"3":1},"core.delete":{"6":1},"core.编辑":{"6":1,"4":1},"core.编辑.state":{"6":1,"5":1}}'); 
    INSERT INTO `jos_extensions` (`extension_id`, “名字”, “类型”, “元素”, “文件夹”, “client_id”, “启用”, “访问”, “保护”, “manifest_cache”, “参数”, “custom_data”, “system_data”, “checked_out”, “checked_out_time”, “订购”, ' state ') VALUES (29, “com_tags”, “组件”, “com_tags”, '', 1, 1, 1, 1, {“名称”:“com_tags”,“类型”:“组件”,"creationDate":"December 2013",“作者”:“Joomla! Project","copyright":"(C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters. 版权所有.","authorEmail":"admin@joomla.org","authorUrl":"www.joomla.”:“org”、“版本3.1.0","description":"COM_TAGS_XML_DESCRIPTION",“集团”:“}”, '{"tag_layout":"_:default",“show_tag_title”:“0”,"tag_list_show_tag_image":"1","tag_list_show_tag_description":"1",“tag_list_image”:“,"show_tag_num_items":"0","tag_list_orderby":"title","tag_list_orderby_direction":"ASC",“show_headings”:“1”,"tag_list_show_date":"published","tag_list_show_item_image":"1","tag_list_show_item_description":"1","tag_list_item_maximum_characters":10000,"return_any_or_all":"1","include_children":"0",“最大”:200,"tag_list_language_filter":"all","tags_layout":"_:default","all_tags_orderby":"publish_up","all_tags_orderby_direction":"ASC","all_tags_show_tag_image":"1","all_tags_show_tag_descripion":"1","all_tags_tag_maximum_characters":10000,"all_tags_show_tag_hits":"0",“filter_field”:“0”,"show_pagination_limit":"1","show_pagination":"2","show_pagination_results":"1","tag_field_ajax_mode":"1","show_feed_link":"1"}', '', '', 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0),
    (316, “mod_tags_popular”, “模块”, “mod_tags_popular”, '', 0, 1, 1, 0, '{"name":"mod_tags_popular",“类型”:“模块”,"creationDate":"January 2013",“作者”:“Joomla! Project","copyright":"Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters. 版权所有.","authorEmail":"admin@joomla.org","authorUrl":"www.joomla.”:“org”、“版本3.1.0","description":"MOD_TAGS_POPULAR_XML_DESCRIPTION",“集团”:“}”, {“最大”:“5”,"timeframe":"alltime",“owncache”:“1”}’, '', '', 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0),
    (317, “mod_tags_similar”, “模块”, “mod_tags_similar”, '', 0, 1, 1, 0, '{"name":"mod_tags_similar",“类型”:“模块”,"creationDate":"January 2013",“作者”:“Joomla! Project","copyright":"Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters. 版权所有.","authorEmail":"admin@joomla.org","authorUrl":"www.joomla.”:“org”、“版本3.1.0","description":"MOD_TAGS_SIMILAR_XML_DESCRIPTION",“集团”:“}”, {“最大”:“5”,“matchtype”:“任何”,“owncache”:“1”}’, '', '', 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0),
    (447, “plg_finder_tags”, “插件”, “tags”, “仪”, 0, 1, 1, 0, '{"name":"plg_finder_tags",“类型”:“插件”,"creationDate":"February 2013",“作者”:“Joomla! Project","copyright":"(C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters. 版权所有.","authorEmail":"admin@joomla.org","authorUrl":"www.joomla.”:“org”、“版本3.0.0","description":"PLG_FINDER_TAGS_XML_DESCRIPTION",“集团”:“}”, '{}', '', '', 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0); 
    INSERT INTO `jos_finder_types` (`id`, “标题”, `mime`) VALUES (6, 'Tag', ''); 
    INSERT INTO `jos_menu` (`id`, “menutype”, “标题”, “别名”, “注意”, “路径”, “链接”, “类型”, “发布”, “parent_id”, “水平”, “组件_id”, “checked_out”, “checked_out_time”, “browserNav”, “访问”, “img”, “template_style_id”, “参数”, “融通”, “rgt”, “回家”, “语言”, client_id)值
    (23, 'main', “com_tags”, 'Tags', '', 'Tags', 'index.php?选择= com_tags ', “组件”, 0, 1, 1, 29, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 1, “类:tags”, 0, '', 65, 66, 0, '', 1); 
  5.  Copy the code above or 下载 the same code as a zipped SQL 文件.
  6. 访问您的 数据库 通过 phpMyadmin 或者其他工具 举办 提供了. It is suggested you make a backup copy of the 数据库 在你继续之前.
  7. 单击 SQL 选项卡.
  8. Paste the code and click Go.


  9. No errors after it’s been imported mean  everything was done correctly.
  10. 检查你的网站. The errors on the front end should be gone and in the admin panel under ”组件” -> “tags” 菜单应该出现.


Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

Joomla 3.x. Joomla 3.0.x 模板 and Joomla 3.1.x兼容性 (Tags issue)

Joomla Responsive Themes
This entry was posted in Joomla! 教程 和标记 3.0.x, 3.1.x, 组件, 修复, joomla, 没有找到, tags. 书签的 永久链接.


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